Leadership Development / Organizational Development
Consists of the following areas:
Defining Leadership: Leadership is an interactive process focused on the attainment of a common objective or goal. A leadership stratum defines leadership activities and behaviors at the strategic leader level, the translation and direction leader level and the Action/Production focused leader level.
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Vision, Mission, and Business Objectives. Leading the business to develop a clear line of sight from the production floor objectives to the Vision of the enterprise.
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Organizational Development. “Form Follows Function.” Building organizations that are tailored around the work of the enterprise.
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Expectations of leaders. Built around the concept that leaders at all levels “get engaged” and “stay engaged.” There are four expectations for leaders explained in terms of behaviors that cause leaders to succeed.
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VUCA. The current business environment is Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. This environment requires leaders to understand the tension caused by the speed of business and complexity of organizations. Learn to use tension as a competitive advantage.
The Keys to Leadership. Leadership is an iterative process that creates a multi-faceted loop. The three basic parts of the loop are Thought, Choice and Action.