About Us
, Inc. has 75 years experience in analyzing and reengineering complex processes in engineering, sales and marketing, accounting, services and manufacturing. We understand how to focus the tension from competing functions to generate energy that optimizes results and provides value to the customer. Our experience has shown that real solutions lie in transformational change. Our ability to apply the correct tools and create transformational change comes from broad and diverse experience in building and implementing complex, human and technical processes to deliver value to the customer on a global scale. Our process is repeatable and includes sufficient flexibility to accommodate each client's individual needs.

Sandra Kiesel VanderLaan
Sandy has 29 years of leadership experience in engineering, product development, strategic planning and general management. She works with a wide range of companies in various industries ranging from manufacturing to high tech to life sciences and health care. She held key management and process reengineering positions with General Motors and Delphi and has been the President of Go Lean for 10 years. Sandy has held several board positions with SAE, Automotive Woman's Alliance and Athena. She was a member of the Joint Commission's Presidential roundtable on waste reduction and quality improvement in the medical industry. She edited articles and books on waste reduction and process improvement. Recently she worked with a Berkshire Hathaway subsidiary to develop their strategic plan including corporate objectives and align functional processes, care management organizations to improve performance and efficiency, hospital coalitions to reduce avoidable re-hospitalizations and the DEQ to reduce energy usage. She studied quality tools under Dr. Deming and Six Sigma Black Belt under Dr. S. Taguchi. She has a Black Belt in Six Sigma, a Bachelors of Science in Chemical Engineering from Trine University and an MBA from The Michigan State Eli Broad School of Management.

Hallie Wyatt Johnson
Hallie has over 25 years of experience with high tech manufacturing of health care equipment in engineering, product development, Six Sigma, human resources, customer training, service and general management. She held key engineering and management positions at various divisions of General Electric. She joined Go Lean in 2011. Her lean and Six Sigma work began in customer training with over 140 nationally based green belts working on 44 projects. She has redesigned processes in customer training, logistics, sourcing, service, admissions and patient through put. She has delivered multiple Six Sigma training programs across the country. While at General Electric Health Care, she led a team of sourcing black belts to deliver over 1.5M in savings through lean tools. Her current work includes partnering with the Area Agencies on Aging on metrics, time study analysis and quality improvements. She has a Bachelor's of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth.